Saturday, July 12, 2008


This past week has seemed so busy to me. I worked 3 nights 7-11, with one of those nights not getting off until 1am. I was so sleepy this week. I will probably do it again next week, at least that much if not more hopefully. I am trying to get in as much work as possible before we move. I am a terrible sorter and packer. Give me books, tapes, etc. then I can pack it up easy, but give me a room full of misc. items, and I am terrible at it. Aaron told me today "channel your inner skinny man" At first I thought he was making a jab at my weight, but he was quick to explain that he was talking about the man who moved us here. Wow, was he amazing. He was a small, skinny man - not one you would think would work for a moving company, but boy could he pack. The company told us that someone would be at our house on a Monday to move. One man showed up. But he packed our entire house in less than 8 hours. Our entire house and only left the wrapping of the furniture until day 2. On day 2 he did bring a helper to help lift.

I proudly told Aaron before I left for camp that he could throw out and sort anything in the house while I was gone. He was very excited about that prospect. I did give him a list of 5-6 things I wanted to keep, but everything else is fair game. He said he took 3 loads to the dump in the jeep, and guess what?! I don't even know what he took, but the closets looked a lot better and if I don't ask him what he threw out, then I will never know what I am "missing" I started packing up the classroom last week and as you can see from the pictures, it is so nice and clean and only boxes. Aaron spent all morning cleaning out the girls room. He went ahead and took apart their beds, and now they are sleeping just on mattresses. Which is a lot of fun for them. I felt bad for Aaron doing all of the girls' room alone, even though I did go and clean the kitchen while he worked and made breakfast. So, I went out this afternoon and got half the garage clean. What a nasty mess that was with 1 cat who likes to kill birds and 3 kittens. I swept up a ton of bird feathers.

We are hoping to close in July instead of August. The well driller is supposed to meet me next week at the house. I felt a little worried when he told me yesterday that if he didn't call me by Tuesday or Wednesday next week, to give him a call. He says it will be 2-3 weeks before he can come out to drill, but if we can get it done in July and have drinkable water, then we could move in before August and avoid paying a month's rent for a few more days in this house.

1 comment:

Hyperactive Lu said...

WOW! Sounds like y'all are getting everything ready!!! Exciting! So happy for y'all! Hope you can get some rest this week!